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Remove Unwanted Stains from Your Teeth

Did you know you can remove unwanted stains from your teeth? Yes, it’s true! Thousands of people eat foods or consume drinks that stain your teeth, leaving a serious need for a teeth-whitening treatment. Luckily, our dentist, Dr. Adam Vitelli with Adam Vitelli Comprehensive Dentistry in Germantown, Maryland, is happy to provide teeth-whitening treatments and explain more about them. Many... read more »

Discover your smile with Dental Veneers

Do you have any irregularities or abnormalities in your teeth that are hindering the look of your smile? Is a single tooth keeping your smile from its best possible aesthetic form? If so, it is important to have a cosmetic dentistry treatment such as dental veneers placed to improve the look of your smile. Dental veneers are highly effective tooth... read more »

Taking Care of Your Dental Work

Dental medicine has made some extraordinary advances over the years. Today, dentists have access to technology and procedures that would have been a distant dream decades ago. Your dentist can straighten teeth that are out of alignment, and replace one, or all of your teeth through dentures, partials and implants. Teeth that would have required extraction once upon a time... read more »

Enhance Your Smile with Mouth Healthy Food Diets

Did you know that the foods and drinks you eat can not only damage your smile, but some can help strengthen it? Various minerals in certain foods actually have the power to help remineralize your teeth and build a strong smile for a safer summer. To learn more about healthy food choices, please read the following: - Crunchy and watery foods... read more »

Take Your Oral Health Care to New Heights with Dental Bonding

Dental bonding treatments are a form of cosmetic dentistry procedure that focuses on using a variety of bonding materials, often times porcelain or resin, to cover and conceal damaged spots on teeth. With dental bonding, you can fix broken smiles. To take your oral health care to new heights with dental bonding, take a look at the following:  - Dental... read more »

Healthy Babies And Healthy Teeth

Dr. Adam Vitelli at Adam Vitelli Comprehensive Dentistry wants to remind parents that it is never too early to start taking care of your baby’s teeth. When your newborn smiles at you, you don’t notice his teeth. But believe or not, he does have teeth, you just can’t see them yet. Even though they haven’t come in, all twenty of... read more »

Keep Your Smile Clean with Floss

Dental floss is essential when it comes to a healthy smile. If you skip your flossing each day, you could be inviting oral health disasters to your smile. That is why our team here at Adam Vitelli Comprehensive Dentistry in Germantown, Maryland, is happy to talk to you about the importance of flossing, so you can keep your smile fresh... read more »

What Are the Best Methods for Fighting Cavities?

What are the best methods for fighting cavities? Cavities are the result of eroded tooth enamel to the point that a hole has formed in a tooth. Although your tooth enamel is a very stout protective layer of your teeth, it can be damaged as the result of plaque buildup and harmful acids. If a cavity forms your tooth’s root can... read more »

Teething Tips for Toddlers

Do you know how to help a child that is teething? Has your child begun to teethe? If so, it is critical to help them deal with the sometimes-painful condition. Teething is completely natural in all children, as it is merely the process of teeth breaking the skin of their gums. However, it can often cause discomfort and pain for... read more »

Denture Duties 101

If you have a set of dentures, you are probably well aware of how important it is to care for them. The biggest danger about dentures is that because they are removable, they can be host to a variety of risks that our standard teeth are not. Always handle your dentures with care, because dropping them even a single time... read more »