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Don’t Let Valentine’s Day Affect Your Smile

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The days following Valentine’s Day can be just as fun as the actual holiday if you enjoy boxes of discount candy and chocolate. While this time of year is great for sugar cravings, it can be hazardous to your dental health. We offer the following dental health tips to protect your smile from cavities as a result of Valentine’s Day goodies.

– Beware of risky candy: Some candies are especially risky for your teeth. This includes candies that are sticky, hard or sour, as sticky and hard candies easily linger on the teeth and expose them to sugar for long periods of time, and sour candies contain acids that affect tooth enamel.

– Limit your intake of candy: Instead of snacking on leftover candy all day or while watching a movie, designate a specific time to enjoy your treats. The best time to eat candy is typically right after a meal because the food you just ate produced more saliva, which can flush out candy bits and lingering sugar, making tooth decay less likely.

– Wait to brush your teeth: While running to brush your teeth right after eating candy may seem like the better approach, it could actually harm tooth enamel that has been softened by certain acidic candies (especially sour candies). Instead, use water to rinse your teeth and then brush your teeth 30 minutes later.

Contact Adam Vitelli Comprehensive Dentistry at 301-972-1400 today to speak with our dentist, Dr. Adam Vitelli about proper dental care habits in Germantown, Maryland!